Disneyworld vacations

Friday, August 6, 2010

Discounted Disney World Tickets - One Simple Tip to Keep Them Safe

Image : http://www.flickr.com

On a vacation to Walt Disney World, there is probably nothing more important than your park tickets. After all, visiting the theme parks is the focus of your visit! But what if you lose your tickets? What, if anything, can be done? If you bought your tickets at the theme park's gate, producing a saved receipt can allow Disney to look up your information, and replace your tickets. But what if you bought discounted Disney World tickets through a broker?
Happily, there is one very simple way to make sure that your vacation is not ruined by lost theme park tickets: make a copy of the back of them.
The back side, with the magnetic strip, has coded information with all the details of your personal ticket. All these numbers, letters, and dates will actually help Disney replace the tickets if you lose them. And while the tickets do say "Disney is not responsible for misplaced, lost, or stolen tickets", in all likelihood, if you can provide the coded information, they will usually re-issue the pass.
Alternate ideas for saving this valuable coded information include taking a photo of the backs, either with a digital camera or cell phone. By doing this, if you lose the tickets while at the park, you will have immediate access to the codes on your camera or cell phone.
It is important to note that receipts that you receive from ticket brokers, while important, will not help in getting your tickets replaced. You must have the codes from the back of your passes. For my family, I generally copy the tickets the minute we receive them.

This one simple, yet valuable tip for protecting your discounted Disney World tickets can make certain that lost theme park tickets don't ruin your vacation.

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